Member types

This page contains information about the member types of the ActionDigraph class.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::adjacency_matrix_type = IntMat<0, 0, int64_t>

The type of the adjacency matrix.

enum class libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::algorithm

An enum for specifying the algorithm to the functions number_of_paths().


enumerator dfs

Use a depth-first-search.

enumerator matrix

Use the adjacency matrix and matrix multiplication.

enumerator acyclic

Use a dynamic programming approach for acyclic digraphs.

enumerator trivial

Try to utilise some corner cases.

enumerator automatic

The function number_of_paths() tries to decide which algorithm is best.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_iterator_edges = typename detail::DynamicArray2<T>::const_iterator

The type of an iterator pointing to the out-edges of a node in a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_iterator_nodes = typename IntegralRange<T>::const_iterator

The type of an iterator pointing to the nodes of a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_iterator_scc = typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator

The type of an iterator pointing to the nodes in a strongly connected component of a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_iterator_scc_roots = detail::ConstIteratorStateless<IteratorTraits>

The type of an iterator pointing to the roots of a strongly connected components of a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_iterator_sccs = typename std::vector<std::vector<T>>::const_iterator

The type of an iterator pointing to the strongly connected components of a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_pilo_iterator = detail::ConstIteratorStateless<PiloOrPisloIteratorTraits<const_panilo_iterator>>

Return type of cbegin_pilo and cend_pilo.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_pislo_iterator = detail::ConstIteratorStateless<PiloOrPisloIteratorTraits<const_panislo_iterator>>

Return type of cbegin_pislo and cend_pislo.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_pstislo_iterator = detail::ConstIteratorStateful<PstisloIteratorTraits>

Return type of cbegin_pstislo and cend_pstislo.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::const_reverse_iterator_nodes = typename IntegralRange<T>::const_reverse_iterator

The type of a reverse iterator pointing to the nodes of a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::label_type = T

The type of edge labels in a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::node_type = T

The type of nodes in a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::scc_index_type = T

The type of an index in a strongly connected component of a digraph.

using libsemigroups::ActionDigraph::size_type = std::size_t

Unsigned integer type.