DynamicMatrix member types

This page contains information about the member types of the DynamicMatrix() class.

using scalar_type = Scalar

The type of the entries in the matrix.

using scalar_reference = Scalar&

The type of references to the entries in the matrix (might not be Scalar&).

using scalar_const_reference = Scalar const&

The type of references to the entries in the matrix (might not be Scalar const&).

using Row = DynamicMatrix

The type of a row of a DynamicMatrix() .

using RowView = DynamicRowView<PlusOp, ProdOp, ZeroOp, OneOp, Scalar>

The type of a row view into a DynamicMatrix().

using Plus = PlusOp

The template parameter PlusOp.

using Prod = ProdOp

The template parameter ProdOp.

using Zero = ZeroOp

The template parameter ZeroOp.

using One = OneOp

The template parameter OneOp.

using semiring_type = void

The type of the semiring over which the matrix is defined is void because there’s no semiring object, the arithmetic is defined by the template parameters.