Strings in lexicographic order (silo)

The functions libsemigroups::cbegin_silo() and libsemigroups::cend_silo() can be used to iterate through strings in lexicographic order in some range.

const_silo_iterator libsemigroups::cbegin_silo(std::string const &alphabet, size_t const upper_bound, std::string const &first, std::string const &last)

Returns a forward iterator pointing to the 3rd parameter first.

If incremented, the iterator will point to the next least lexicographic string after w over alphabet with length less than upper_bound. Iterators of the type returned by this function are equal whenever they are obtained by advancing the return value of any call to cbegin_silo by the same amount, or they are both obtained by any call to cend_silo.

See also



std::vector<std::string>(cbegin_silo("ba", 3, "b", "aaa"),
                         cend_silo("ba", 3, "b", "aaa"));
// {"b", "bb", "ba", "a", "ab", "aa"};


The parameter upper_bound is required because lexicographical ordering is not a well-ordering, and there might be infinitely many strings between a given pair of strings.


Copying iterators of this type is expensive. As a consequence, prefix incrementing ++it the iterator it returned by cbegin_silo is significantly cheaper than postfix incrementing it++.


Iterators constructed using different parameters may not be equal, so best not to loop over them.

  • alphabet – the alphabet

  • upper_bound – only strings of length less than this value are considered;

  • first – the starting point for the iteration;

  • last – the ending point for the iteration.


(None) – This function guarantees not to throw a LibsemigroupsException.


An iterator of type const_silo_iterator.

const_silo_iterator libsemigroups::cend_silo(std::string const &alphabet, size_t const upper_bound, std::string const &first, std::string const &last)

Returns a forward iterator pointing to one after the end of the range from first to last.

The iterator returned by this is still dereferencable and incrementable, but does not point to a string in the correct range.

See also
