Changelog - version 2

v2.2.2 (released 12/09/2022)

This is a minor release fixing a number of minor issues, and including some minor improvements.

v2.2.1 (released 12/08/2022)

This is a minor release fixing a data race (probably) caused by setting the global locale, that sometimes caused a crash.

v2.2.0 (released 01/07/2022)

This release adds two new features to libsemigroups:

v2.1.5 (released 21/04/2022)

This is a minor release with a few minor changes:

@fingolfin made their first contribution in welcome @fingolfin!

v2.1.4 (released 04/03/2022)

This is a minor release with a few minor changes:

  • it is now possible to create the quotient_froidure_pin of a congruence with infinitely many classes;

  • some exception messages were corrected for Bipartition objects;

  • compilation of v2.1.0 to v2.1.3 did not work in cygwin for Windows;

  • there was a file missing in the archive, which meant that it wasn’t possible to build the documentation.

v2.1.3 (released 16/12/2021)

This is a minor release with some performance improvements in: ActionDigraph::number_of_paths (eigen is used in some circumstances when available); the suffix tree implementation (used by Kambites); and in KnuthBendix.

v2.1.2 (released 30/11/2021)

This is another very minor release resolving an issue in the last release on 32-bit systems raised by Jan Engelhardt.

v2.1.1 (released 28/11/2021)

This is a very minor release resolving an issue in the last release pointed out by Jan Engelhardt.

v2.1.0 (released 28/11/2021)

The following new features, improvements, and fixes are included in this release:

Full Changelog:…v2.1.0

v2.0.3 (released 11/11/2021)

This release contains a minor change to the FroidurePin class template that resolves an issue with the python binding highlighted by Maria Tsalakou and Chinmaya Nagpal.

v2.0.2 (released 20/09/2021)

This release includes some missing operators, adapters, and doc were added.

v2.0.1 (released 28/08/2021)

This release includes some improvements and minor fixes including:

  • some remnants of C++11 in the code and docs were removed

  • the class Runner was given proper copy and move constructors

  • some performance improvements were made to Konieczny by Finn Smith

  • some minor updates were made to FroidurePin and its documentation

  • some missing adapters for KBE and TCE were implemented.

v2.0.0 (released 26/05/2021)

This release includes a major rewrite of the functionality in libsemigroups for matrices, transformations, and other elements of semigroups. libsemigroups has been updated to use C++14 (from C++11), and some simplifications were made as a consequence. The documentation has been improved, some deprecated functionality was remove, and other minor improvements, and simplifications were made. The included version of eigen was updated from version 3.3.7 to 3.3.9.

J. James contributed some improvements to the build system, and some additional updates were made which arose from warnings issued by newer versions of autotools.

The following function was added:

  • Action::cache_scc_multipliers

The following deprecated functionality was removed:

  • FroidurePin::FroidurePin(std::vector<element_type> const*)

  • FroidurePin::reset_next_relation

  • FroidurePin::next_relation

  • the Element class was removed

  • the UFOld class was removed (replaced by Suf and Duf in v1.3.4)

The following backwards incompatible changes have been made:

  • every function including _nr_ has been renamed using _number_of_ for consistency

  • const has been removed from all function parameters passed by value

  • congruence_type was renamed congruence_kind for consistency

  • CongruenceByPairsHelper was renamed CongruenceByPairs

  • Congruence::policy was renamed Congruence::options

  • FroidurePin::copy_closure returns by value instead of returning a pointer

  • FroidurePin::copy_add_generators returns by value instead of returning a pointer

  • FroidurePin::letter_to_pos was renamed FroidurePin::current_position

  • FroidurePin::length_const was renamed FroidurePin::length

  • FroidurePin::length_non_const was renamed FroidurePin::current_length (again for consistency)

  • FroidurePin::word_to_pos was renamed FroidurePin::current_position

  • KnuthBendix::policy was renamed KnuthBendix::options

  • ToddCoxeter::policy was renamed ToddCoxeter::options

The following files were renamed:

  • libsemigroups-config.hpp was renamed config.hpp

  • libsemigroups-debug.hpp was renamed debug.hpp

  • libsemigroups-exception.hpp was renamed exception.hpp

Changelog - version 1