
template<typename T>
class ActionDigraph : private libsemigroups::ActionDigraphBase

Defined in digraph.hpp.

This class represents the digraph of an action of a semigroup on a set. If the digraph has n nodes, they are represented by the numbers \({0, ..., n - 1}\), and every node has the same number m of out-edges (edges with source that node and range any other node). The number m is referred to as the out-degree of the digraph, or any of its nodes.

See also


Template Parameters

T – the type of the nodes in the digraph, must be an unsigned integer type.

Subclassed by libsemigroups::DigraphWithSources< coset_type >, libsemigroups::DigraphWithSources< N >, libsemigroups::DigraphWithSources< T >

Member types


The type of the adjacency matrix.


An enum for specifying the algorithm to the functions number_of_paths() .


The type of an iterator pointing to the out-edges of a node in a digraph.


The type of an iterator pointing to the nodes of a digraph.


The type of an iterator pointing to the nodes in a strongly connected component of a digraph.


The type of an iterator pointing to the roots of a strongly connected components of a digraph.


The type of an iterator pointing to the strongly connected components of a digraph.


Return type of cbegin_pilo and cend_pilo .


Return type of cbegin_pislo and cend_pislo .


Return type of cbegin_pstislo and cend_pstislo .


The type of a reverse iterator pointing to the nodes of a digraph.


The type of edge labels in a digraph.


The type of nodes in a digraph.


The type of an index in a strongly connected component of a digraph.


Unsigned integer type.


ActionDigraph(ActionDigraph const&)

Default copy constructor.


Default move constructor.

ActionDigraph(T, T)

Construct from number of nodes and out degree.

operator=(ActionDigraph const&)

Default copy assignment constructor.


Default move assignment constructor.

Static member functions

random(T, T, T, std::mt19937)

Construct a random digraph from number of nodes, edges, and out-degree.

random(T, T, std::mt19937)

Construct a random digraph from number of nodes and out-degree.

random_acyclic(T, T, T, std::mt19937)

Construct a random acyclic digraph from number of nodes, edges, and out-degree.


add_edge(node_type, node_type, label_type)

Add an edge from one node to another with a given label.

add_edge_nc(node_type, node_type, label_type)

Add an edge from one node to another with a given label.


Adds a number of new nodes.


Adds to the out-degree.


Re-initialize the digraph to have m nodes and out-degree n.

remove_edge_nc(node_type, label_type)

Remove an edge from a node with a given label.

reserve(T, T) const

Ensures that the digraph has capacity for a given number of nodes, and out-degree.


Restrict the digraph to its first n nodes.

swap_edges_nc(node_type, node_type, label_type)

Swaps the edge with specified label from one node with another.


operator==(ActionDigraph const &) const

Check if two action digraphs are equal.

Nodes, edges, neighbors

cbegin_edges(node_type) const

Returns a random access iterator pointing at the first neighbor of a node.

cbegin_edges_nc(node_type) const noexcept

Returns a random access iterator pointing at the first neighbor of a node.

cbegin_nodes() const noexcept

Returns a random access iterator pointing at the first node of the digraph.

cend_edges(node_type) const

Returns a random access iterator pointing one-past-the-last neighbor of a node.

cend_edges_nc(node_type) const noexcept

Returns a random access iterator pointing one-past-the-last neighbor of a node.

cend_nodes() const noexcept

Returns a random access iterator pointing one-past-the-last node of the digraph.

crbegin_nodes() const noexcept

Returns a random access iterator pointing at the last node of the digraph.

crend_nodes() const noexcept

Returns a random access iterator pointing one-past-the-first node of the digraph.

neighbor(node_type, label_type) const

Get the range of the edge with given source node and label.

next_neighbor(node_type, label_type) const

Get the next neighbor of a node that doesn’t equal libsemigroups::UNDEFINED .

number_of_edges() const

Returns the number of edges.

number_of_edges(node_type) const

Returns the number of edges with given source node.

number_of_nodes() const noexcept

Returns the number of nodes.

out_degree() const noexcept

Returns the out-degree.


Remove all of the edges in the digraph.

table() const noexcept

Returns a const reference to the underlying array.

unsafe_neighbor(node_type, label_type) const

Get the range of the edge with given source node and label.

unsafe_next_neighbor(node_type, label_type) const

Get the next neighbor of a node that doesn’t equal libsemigroups::UNDEFINED .

validate() const noexcept

Check every node has exactly out_degree() out-edges.

Strongly connected components

cbegin_scc(scc_index_type) const

Returns an iterator pointing to the first node in the scc with the specified id-number.

cbegin_scc_roots() const

Returns an iterator pointing to the root of the first scc.

cbegin_sccs() const

Returns an iterator pointing to the vector of nodes in the first scc.

cend_scc(scc_index_type) const

Returns an iterator pointing one past the last node in the scc with the specified id-number.

cend_scc_roots() const

Returns an iterator pointing one past the root of the last scc.

cend_sccs() const

Returns an iterator pointing one past the last vector of nodes in the final scc.

number_of_scc() const

Returns the number of strongly connected components.

root_of_scc(node_type) const

Returns the root of a strongly connected components containing a given node.

scc_id(node_type) const

Returns the id-number of the strongly connected component of a node.



reverse_spanning_forest() const

Returns a reverse spanning forest of the strongly connected components.

spanning_forest() const

Returns a spanning forest of the strongly connected components.

Path iterators

cbegin_panilo(node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns an iterator for PANILO (Path And Node In Lex Order).

cbegin_panislo(node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns an iterator for PANISLO (Path And Node In Short Lex Order).

cbegin_pilo(node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns an iterator for PILO (Path In Lex Order).

cbegin_pislo(node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns an iterator for PISLO (Path In Short Lex Order).

cbegin_pstilo(node_type, node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns an iterator for PSTILO (Path Source Target In Lex Order).

cbegin_pstislo(node_type, node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns an iterator for PSTISLO (Path Source Target In Short Lex Order).

cend_panilo() const

Returns an iterator for PANILO (Path And Node In Lex Order).

cend_panislo() const

Returns an iterator for PANISLO (Path And Node In Short Lex Order).

cend_pilo() const

Returns an iterator for PILO (Path In Lex Order).

cend_pislo() const

Returns an iterator for PISLO (Path In Short Lex Order).

cend_pstilo() const

Returns an iterator for PSTILO (Path Source Target In Lex Order).

cend_pstislo() const

Returns an iterator for PSTISLO (Path Source Target In Short Lex Order).

Counting paths

number_of_paths(node_type) const

Returns the number of paths from a source node.

number_of_paths(node_type, node_type, size_t, size_t, algorithm) const

Returns the number of paths between a pair of nodes with length in a given range.

number_of_paths(node_type, size_t, size_t, algorithm) const

Returns the number of paths starting at a given node with length in a given range.

number_of_paths_algorithm(node_type) const noexcept

Returns the algorithm used by number_of_paths() .

number_of_paths_algorithm(node_type, node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns the algorithm used by number_of_paths() .

number_of_paths_algorithm(node_type, size_t, size_t) const

Returns the algorithm used by number_of_paths() .