
This page contains information about the constructors for the Ukkonen::State struct.

libsemigroups::Ukkonen::State::State() = default

Default constructor.

libsemigroups::Ukkonen::State::State(State&&) = default

Default constructor.

libsemigroups::Ukkonen::State::State(State const&) = default

Default constructor.

inline libsemigroups::Ukkonen::State::State(node_index_type vv, edge_index_type ppos)

Construct from index and position.

  • vv – the index of the node reached

  • ppos – the position in the edge leading to vv


(None) – This function guarantees not to throw a LibsemigroupsException.

State &libsemigroups::Ukkonen::State::operator=(State&&) = default

Default constructor.

State &libsemigroups::Ukkonen::State::operator=(State const&) = default

Default constructor.