
This page contains information about the constructors for the Bipartition class.


Constructs an uninitialised bipartition of degree 0.

libsemigroups::Bipartition::Bipartition(Bipartition const&)

Default copy constructor.


Default move constructor.

explicit libsemigroups::Bipartition::Bipartition(size_t N)

Constructs an uninitialised bipartition of given degree.


N – the degree of the bipartition.

libsemigroups::Bipartition::Bipartition(std::initializer_list<std::vector<int32_t>> const &blocks)

Constructs a bipartition from a partition.

The items in blocks should be:

  • duplicate-free;

  • pairwise disjoint; and

  • partition the set \(\{-n, \ldots, 1\}\cup \{1, \ldots, n\}\) for some positive integer \(n\).

None of these conditions is checked by the constructor.


blocks – the partition.

libsemigroups::Bipartition::Bipartition(std::initializer_list<uint32_t> const &blocks)

Constructs a bipartition from an initializer list blocks lookup.


blocks – a lookup for the blocks of the bipartition being constructed.

explicit libsemigroups::Bipartition::Bipartition(std::vector<uint32_t> const &blocks)

Constructs a bipartition from a const reference to blocks lookup.

The parameter blocks:

  • is copied;

  • must have length \(2n\) for some positive integer \(n\);

  • consist of non-negative integers; and

  • have the property that if \(i\), \(i > 0\) occurs in blocks, then \(i - 1\) occurs earlier in blocks. The value of block[i] should represent the index of the block containing i.

None of the conditions above is verified.


blocks – a lookup for the blocks of the bipartition being constructed.

explicit libsemigroups::Bipartition::Bipartition(std::vector<uint32_t> &&blocks)

Constructs a bipartition from an rvalue reference to blocks lookup.


blocks – a lookup for the blocks of the bipartition being constructed.

Bipartition &libsemigroups::Bipartition::operator=(Bipartition const&)

Default copy assignment operator.

Bipartition &libsemigroups::Bipartition::operator=(Bipartition&&)

Default move assignment operator.